Remote Administration Made Easy
Over the years I have used many different types of remote administration utilities to manage my remote workstations and servers. Some of these utilities have worked great and others not so great. For the past year or so I have been using a free utility that I feel has surpassed all of the rest. It…
18 Portable Apps that Every Tech Needs
Portable Apps for Computer Techs I am a tech and I have found all of these portable apps to be very useful so I thought I would share them with you. All of them can run directly from your USB flash drive. I hope you will find them useful too.
Prevent DS_Store and Trashes Creation On USB Drives
If you are like me and you use your flash drive between your Mac and your PC then you have probably noticed some extra files that Macs leave behind when you open it up in Windows. These files are usually titled .Trashes, .DS_Store, and various other dot underscore files, which are called resource forks. After…
Put Your Hard Drive in the Freezer to Recover Data
Or… How to Fix a Clicking Hard Drive! Do you have a hard drive that won’t boot and you are suspicious that you can hear a clicking noise? In the industry, we call this the hard drive click of death and the hard drive clicking noise usually means the drive has experienced a physical failure,…
Desktop Wallpaper for Techs
8 Free Wallpaper Websites with Desktop Backgrounds for every computer Whether you call them eye candy, desktop backgrounds or wallpaper, a great background image can make you feel awesome every time you start and look at your computer screen. Being a tech for almost ten years I have been asked many times about the best…
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