8 Free Wallpaper Websites with Desktop Backgrounds for every computer
Whether you call them eye candy, desktop backgrounds or wallpaper, a great background image can make you feel awesome every time you start and look at your computer screen. Being a tech for almost ten years I have been asked many times about the best places to get wallpaper images from. An amazing-looking computer monitor is helped by an awesome background, and as a computer tech it is almost an imperative requirement to have a quality looking rig. It is in line with maintaining a good business reputation. So for my first post I decided to put together a list of my favorite wallpaper sites for techies. Here they are in no particular order.
Note as this article is one of the oldest on thetechmentor.com, we’ve recently gone through to update (or remove where necessary) any outdated links. What you see below should all be good to use.
Wallpaper for Windows 7 to Windows 10
WallpaperStock (Computer Category Sorted By Top Votes). It is a nice site for desktop wallpaper for windows 7. You should also be able to find some larger resolution Windows 10 pro wallpaper on this website.
The Classic Windows Background – ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ as I like to call it!
MyDeskCity (Windows Category) [This site is now normally presented with Chinese characters, and yet is perfectly okay for the background images content, so I have made this a google translate link! – Ed.]
MyDeskCity (Apple Category) [This same site is now normally presented with Chinese characters, and again seems okay for the background images content, so I have also made this one a google translate link! – Ed.]
Linux Backgrounds
Eyecandy for your GNOME-Desktop – gnome-look.org
GNOME-Look (Linux Wallpaper)
And similarly KDE.org
KDE-Look (Linux Wallpaper)
Firefox Eyecandy!
3Couleurs (Firefox Wallpaper) [Sorry this one no longer works and I haven’t found an alternative. – Ed]
Mac Desktop Wallpaper
MacDesktops Speaks for itself really!
Multi Monitor Wallpaper
Vladstudio Vladstudio.com is probably my favorite in this whole list. This website is great for multi screen wallpaper. (This link goes to the Dual-Monitor Category, but they also have wallpaper for 3 monitors!)
Digital Blasphemy I’m not so sure about the name – you decide.
Pixelgirl Presents (Tech Category) [Sorry but PixelgirlPresents.com has decided to close up shop. You can buy the domain if you want! It is up for sale – Ed.]
InterfaceLIFT As the name says this site aims to give your interface a lift! (Great All Around Hi-Res Wallpaper Site)
Hubble Space Telescope Wallpaper [Sorry, Lunar Pages .com is now a website hosting company website! – Ed.]
This is the Windows 10 wallpaper that I use now. I love it!
Summary of Free Wallpaper Websites with Desktop Backgrounds for every computer
So there you have an updated list of websites that give free desktop backgrounds and wallpaper images. The list includes my favorite site for multi screen wallpaper. No self-respecting Computer Tech would be without an awesome background image on their Windows, Linux or Mac computer. There are sites with suitable wallpaper images for Windows 7, Windows 8 and through to Windows 10 desktops photos and images (that is, of much higher resolution). If you have some favorite wallpaper websites that you like and want to share, please feel free to post them.
This post was last modified on February 27, 2020