5 Fast Ways to Free Storage on iPhones
How to Clean up Storage on your iPhone. Need memory back in a hurry to get something done now without that worrying popup saying “Storage Almost Full”? We look at ways to free storage on iPhones. We consider which are the fastest and most effective. You don’t want to find your iPhone storage full after…

How To Reset A Windows 10 Password With Hirens Boot CD
Use Windows PE via Hiren’s Boot CD/USB to Reset a Windows 10 Password Do you need to reset a Windows 10 password? Microsoft doesn’t make it easy to reset Windows 10 passwords when they are lost or forgotten. That is important to keep unwanted users off your computer. Below I give you the steps that…

Turn off Surface Pro Even if Frozen and Won’t Turn Off
How to turn off a Surface Pro even if frozen and won’t turn off normally! When your Microsoft Surface won’t turn off, here is what you need to do (and of course, we cover how to turn it off normally as well). Causes relate to software not responding or even blocking the shutdown sequence, you…
How To Download Windows 10 Updates Manually (And Install)
Need To Download Windows 10 Updates Manually (and Install them)? When you have not received a recent Windows 10 update, this is how to check for updates, how to download Windows 10 updates manually, and install them. Some of you may have used WUD (Windows Updates installer) for older versions and this article shows you…

Powerful memorization techniques that boost performance
These 10 Actionable Steps help you Learn Powerful Memorization Techniques No matter what you study or do to make a living or in life there will times when you need to memorize something. This could be essential to your studies or business but sometimes what you need to memorize might not be so easy to…

Easy RJ45 Wiring (with RJ45 pinout diagram, steps and video)
RJ45 Pinout Diagrams, the Tools You Need and more! Making RJ45 wiring easy when you have the right RJ45 pinout diagram. Several variations are shown below. I carry Ethernet cable with me all the time so you know it will be useful. To help you memorize it, I created an easy poem so you will…

4 Ways to Recover Permanently Deleted Files (for Free!)
How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files Without Paying a Pro! If you’re wondering how you can recover permanently deleted files, and you’re not a computer tech then there may be a part of you that thinks it’s impossible. However depending on what has transpired with your computer it’s worth a shot, and with this article…

How to Forward Delete on iPhone/iPad using Keyboard
How to Forward Delete on iPhone (oh yes you can)! How to forward delete on iPhones and iPads with three methods, two of these use only the keyboard! These methods use 3D Touch or Long Touch using only the keyboard! Touch and slide is another ‘weapon’ in your useful arsenal of tools to delete top…
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